Update #3
Hello, it’s been a while.
With the Twitter drama currently at its peak, deviantART implementing the worst (AI) ideas to their site again, and tumblr rising above it all though still limping after its downfall, the artists are looking for better places to stay and keep in touch with others. The Internet’s been a weird space as of late, though when has it ever been any different, really.
So! In the midst of it all I wanted to make at least a few updates to my site. The Artwork tab got a few new additions and I plan on writing more about my characters.
My presence online has been rather… periodical as of late. Art is not my only source of income anymore and thanks to that I no longer constantly worry about the algorithms, being as active as possible, pleasing the content-hungry tendencies that people have developed because of social media, etc.etc.. I’m incredibly happy and thankful to those who came back to me asking for commissions, there’s always someone out there to count on, though this time around I simply have no strength for/interest in opening them soon unless for my very close friends.
As those following me on my profiles have noticed, I now mostly focus on my personal stuff which happens to be the art I make for my DnD group. I’ve been obsessed with my character and it’s been just… such a good feeling. Freeing in many ways, and helping me improve in a few fields I struggled with before (art- and personal stuff-wise). I also met a number of awesome people in the DnD community online and it’s been a pleasant journey all around.
I’m not moving away from the blue bird site as of yet, but tumblr still remains my most-updated profile online if you wish to see my sketches and other pieces. I still want to be here and I will still post, it’s just not as much a priority in my life atm.
Here’s a small summary of my activity and where best to find me:
- tumblr – personal acc most active, art acc as well with finished art, wips, greyscale versions, OC discourse
- instagram – active sometimes when I have something finished to post, but in general I don’t care much about that place (what even are reels wha)
- twitter – same as above, though more active with smaller pieces
- deviantART – only rendered art, I keep it more as my portfolio and archive though I have absolutely zero desire to keep it active/share my thoughts there
And that will be all for this small update.
Hope you guys are well, and if it’s not the case now, then I wish you’ll be better soon. Keep warm and safe.

Till next time!