A wild update appeared

So maybe it’s time to make some kind of an update or something. Not that anyone asked for it 😀
Anyway, there was a lot going on over the last 6 months. And I’m going to ignore like 99% of it since it’s boring work stuff or the thing that maybe could be called a personal life if you squint hard enough.

No, I’m going to focus on the fact that over the last 6 months I bought my own flat (which I will be paying back for the next 30 years or so), renovated it (mostly) and moved there. So yeah, no matter what happened, I have my own place that is my own. I was planning on posting a couple of pictures and writing a whole blog about it, but maybe I’ll do that later. There’s still a lot to do there.

It’s a small place, 4th  (or fifth if you count ground floor as first), highest floor in an apartment building, two rooms, big kitchen, lots of storage space. It’s not much but it’s mine so it’s awesome. I’m especially proud of the living room, but it took a lot of time and cashing in on many favors so make it the way it is now.

This and my work take most of my time so that’s one of the reasons why there’s so little creative stuff going on around here.

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